Celebrating the Legacy of Black Civil Rights Leaders

A Black History Month Tribute

It’s February, the second month of the year. This month, we may spend time with family for Family Day or express our affection for our partner on Valentine’s Day. February embodies gratitude and love, and it is also a time to recognize the achievements and contributions of Black individuals in Canada—inventors, lawyers, journalists, athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs.

Prominent Black figures occupied these roles when few others resembled them, having to fight uphill to secure these positions so that more Black individuals could see what was possible. What was it like to be the first Black lawyer in Canada? How did Black journalists use their voices to speak out against injustice? What inventions by Black individuals are still in use today? What business models have Black entrepreneurs used to transform the economy? These are some of the questions that will be explored this month. Through Trial and Triumph, we will highlight the inequitable treatment, systemic racism, discrimination, microaggressions, sexism, and various challenges that Black individuals have overcome to achieve their goals and ultimately cement their legacy.

Throughout February, we invite you to listen to JOY, where we will present vignettes showcasing twelve of Canada’s most distinguished Black figures who have set significant precedents in various sectors and created opportunities for other individuals of colour. Their stories will be illustrated through inspiring scripture, intertwining God’s word with historical timelines.

We encourage you to take part in this educational and transformative journey of inspiration, remarkable achievements, and God’s will. For those unable to listen live, vignettes will be available on-demand via the MyJoyRadio app, accessible on both Google Play and the App Store.


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. Proverbs 31:8-9


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